
Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Reimagined: How to Enable Middle-Managers to Ignite Employee Pride in Their Work and Your Company

We have an epidemic of disengaged employees.

We’ve got an epidemic of disengaged employees. What’s worse, engagement levels haven’t improved much in a decade.  Unfortunately, there aren’t many clear suggestions to help leaders implement practical solutions.

But, fear not! There are solutions that don’t require much expense. Rather, the solutions are found in more human and intrinsic motivating factors. And the biggest influence on improving employee engagement is helping middle-management improve their team’s experience of work. But, first, we need to reconsider what we think about employee engagement. We need Employee Engagement Reimagined!

Shawn takes audiences through a powerful journey to learn refreshing ways to energize and get employees’ commitment to the very things key to your company and/or the team’s ongoing success.

Key Takeaways

  • The central misconception about employee engagement that sends leaders down the wrong path to improve it
  • Invest in meaningful relationships with employees to establish the foundation for engagement
  • The real reasons employees work beyond a paycheck and what that reveals about reimagining engagement
  • The low-cost/no-cost tactics any leader can apply to boost these elements of engagement: vigor, dedication, and focus
  • Use the eight engagement levers to reimagine how to increase employee engagement

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