How can I cut through the noise to improve employee engagement?
How can I show employees I care? What really works – and what doesn’t?
Here’s the reality in corporate America today: For two decades, we have been talking about employee engagement ad nauseam. During that time, hundreds of millions of dollars and countless man-hours have been invested in improving employee engagement. Yet, statistically, we’ve made zero progress. Nada. Zip.
According to Gallup and The Hays Group:
Employee engagement remains at approximately the same level in 2016 as it did in 1996.”
And yet Dale Carnegie states…
Companies with engaged employees outperform those without them by 202%.”
At WorqIQ, we believe employee engagement isn’t a program; it’s a mindset. And it’s about high-quality relationships.
It’s not some grand, top-down announcement that states we suddenly care about engagement.
And it isn’t driven only by an enterprise-wide software solution that reminds one human to care about another human (“It’s Madison’s fifth anniversary… go say ‘Congratulations!’” – #neverhappens).
Instead, we improve engagement by focusing on the way real work gets done – and where engagement matters most: the human-to-human relationships between leaders and their employees.
We show both the middle layer of management AND senior managers how to build respectful relationships and to be trustworthy partners.
We coach your management teams to use nine keys proven to boost employee engagement organically.
Engagement becomes the outcome, not the focus. Let’s cut through all the noise and hype. Let’s make a real difference.