In this episode of Work That Matters by WorqIQ, we talk with Karen Martin about the impact clarity has in today’s workplace culture…
Admittedly, the phrase “high performance” has become cliché. In fact, its overuse seems to have pummeled any meaning out of it. And yet, high performance remains a highly desirable achievement in workplace cultures.
So if “high performance” has lost its sense of originality, what should we use in its place?
The Most Important Culture Element
Karen Martin, today’s guest on Work That Matters and best-selling author, would provide a one-word answer: “Clarity.”
“Clarity is instrumental to effective communication. It also plays an important role in encouraging employees to bring their best selves to their work,” Karen, author of Clarity First, adds.
Of course, you could ask what does “clarity” mean? In our work with clients, it consists of goals, priorities, and expectations. If none of these three are clear, then you have a performance issue. How can you or your team have a desired impact if there is no desirable outcome that unifies a well-coordinated effort?
“If you want high performance, then you need clarity,” says Karen. “If you want your employees to excel, then you must constantly seek and nurture the core culture element. In the end, this is the culture element that eases the ongoing struggle to focus on doing work of the highest value.”
About This Week’s Episode
Karen Martin is president of The Karen Martin Group. Today, we talk with her about what leaders can do to strengthen clarity from the executive level, mid-management level, and at the employee level. As you’ll hear, Karen explains that clarity is not just a highly desirable reality, it is an organizational value, a state of being, and an outcome… all at the same time.
As Karen astutely observes, the opposite of clarity is ambiguity. Though there is no way to remove ambiguity from the workplace completely, you no doubt know the impacts if ambiguity is the norm, rather than the specificity gained through clarity. Additionally, when clarity is more pronounced, it helps to boost employee confidence.
Listen in, and you’ll hear Karen discuss how “confidence breeds competence.” She adds: “Even purpose begins to shape actions when clarity is paramount in your leadership.”
Enjoy the listen… and then think about how much of a culture element clarity might be, or become, in your organization.
Important Links
Be sure to check out these links mentioned in today’s podcast episode:
- The Clarity Quiz (Based on Karen’s book, Clarity First)
- Sample Chapter from Clarity First
- Connect with Karen on Twitter: @KarenMartinOpEx
- Get your copy of Clarity First