
Blue Unicorn

Social Leadership: Why is a Blue Unicorn in the Breakroom?

As we transition from the Industrial Age to the Social Age, we are experiencing an unprecedented pace of change.

Leaders and companies can either adapt and survive, or go the way of the dinosaur.

The reality is many of corporate America’s leaders face this challenge right now. How we were taught to lead – by our peers, parents, professors and mentors – is becoming obsolete.

Today, we welcome the Social Leader – that person who is an active listener, a relentless giver, and who serves as Chief Facilitation Officer for their team. The leader who doesn’t care about hierarchies or titles and isn’t susceptible to TWWADI (“The Way We’ve Always Done It”) Syndrome.

Instead, to solve a problem or meet a challenge, they have one focus: getting the right people in the right room at the right time.

Key Takeaways

  • The key differentiators between a social leader and the leader who chooses to manage using the “best practices” of the Industrial Age
  • The positive impact a Blue Unicorn has on their team, department and company
  • The barriers to success many old-school leaders face as they transition to a social leadership model
  • The role of a mentorship mindset among social leaders – and how serving as a mentor rather than as a manager is a key to successful transformation
  • The business benefits and ROI of social leadership

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